Dietz, Steven D. & M. Jane Parker Hicks, M.D. Take
Thee Broken Wings and Learn To Fly: The AIDS Support Book for
Patients, Family and Friends. Harbinger. 1989. c.140p. ISBN
0-943173-41-8. pap. $9.95
This book is essentially a manual for survival for the
family and friends of People With Aids (PWAs). Dietz and Hicks
demystify the HIV test procedure, explaining it in detail. They
also explore the political, social, and medical ramifications of
dealing with an HIV positive test result or AIDS diagnosis,
sharing the diagnosis with family and friends, and making the
difficult decision whether or not to continue working after
diagnosis. The authors urge PWAs to maintain a positive,
proactive mental state as a way to fight the disease and
emphasize turning negative feelings into positive action.
Sections on choosing physicians, support groups, and counselors
are included. With glossary, advocacy resources list, and AIDS
hotline numbers for all 50 states and U.S. territories. Dietz
and Hick's calm, rational tone make this essential for most
Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California