Breton, Denise and Christopher Largent. The Soul of Economies: Spiritual Evolution Goes to the Marketplace. Idea House Pub., 366p. LC 90-81854. ISBN 0-9626238-1-4. $24.95

This unique addition to philosophy and economics defines economics in terms a greater populace can embrace and understand. The authors present two types of economies: one defining a haphazard "billiard ball" approach, where economic growth and inevitable stagnation create a predatory atmosphere; the other, a "whole seeking" approach in which an intentionally interdependent and planned economy benefits all. This book is not a cursory and rushed argument against capitalism, however, for the authors examine the philosophies (and faults) of a number of economic systems. Critics may balk at the use of Christian analogies (the Lord's Prayer," "the beatitudes," etc.), but the spiritual vision presented is multidisciplinary. The authors are to be commended for taking a much misunderstood, murky topic and making it approachable for the general reader.

Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California