González-Wippler, Migene. Santería: the Religion. Harmony. May 1989. c.352p. photogs. bibliog. index. ISBN 0-517-57154-4. $19.95

An anthropologist and leading authority on Santería, the syncretism of the Yoruba religion and Catholocism, González-Wippler has written numerous books on the subject (e.g., Santería, African Magic in Latin America, LJ 12/1/73; The Santería Experience, LJ 2/15/82). Notorious for their secrecy, the Santeros initially mislead González-Wippler to protect their faith, but in time they recognized her genuine respect for the religion and began relaying accurate information. The book focuses on the Yoruba pantheon of orishas (Goddesses and Gods), the ten or more levels of Santería hierarchy, the priesthood, the concept of divine power known as ashé, initiations, Spirit possession, spells and herbs, and the controversial practice of animal sacrifice. A well-researched, fascinating look at a growing, dynamic religion with more than five million practitioners in this country alone.

Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California