Crisp, Quentin. Resident Alien: The New York Diaries. Alyson, dist. by Consortium. Apr. 1997. c.240. ISBN 1-55583-405-1. $21.95

"I explained that I have not only been dressing the same way for the past fifty years, but am still wearing the actual garments that kind friends gave me all that time ago. . . In spite of this shocking admission, my hostesses remained calm and even paid for my lunch." This most recent book by Crisp (author of The Naked Civil Servant, also seen on PBS) is delightful reading, chronicling his last 15 years as a resident of Manhattan's Lower East Side. In wry, yet gentle prose, Crisp engagingly recounts going about his "profession of being." Apparent throughout are his ability to see the good in almost any situation, his graciousness and open acceptance of others, and an intelligence and wit lacking in much of today's writing. Readers will quickly come to see life as Crisp has lived it for nearly 90 years. Highly recommended for biography and general literature collections in public libraries and for academic libraries supporting writing programs.

Kevin M. Roddy, University of Hawai'i at Hilo