Bartlett, Neil. Ready To Catch Him Should He Fall. Dutton. Sept. 1991. c.320p. ISBN 0-525-933350-6. $19.95

British director and playwright, Bartlett's first novel is a passionate, erotic story between an older man, "O," and his younger lover, "Boy." Taking place in an unnamed town in Britain at an undefined time, the story chronicles their courtship, the consummation of their relationship, and their eventual living arrangement. Hovering about is the mysterious "Mother," the proprietor of the local pub that the two lovers frequent. Responsible for introducing the two, she plays the role of protector, provider, and sage, encouraging and watching with satisfaction as their love deepens. The story has a small, chilling subplot involving unprovoked, random attacks on gay men, but it ends with a satisfying twist. A fairly engaging novel, and quite ordinary in that it is told with no apologies and no stereotypes, and for once has no one dying of AIDS. Though AIDS is a serious problem in the community, Bartlett should be commended for addressing and acknowledging HIV-negative men. Recommended.

Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California