Berzon, Betty. Permanent Partners: Building Gay & Lesbian Relationships That
Last. Dutton. 1988. c.432p. bibliog. LC 88-11799. ISBN 0-525-24698-3. $19.95.
Berzon's experience as a psychotherapist in the homosexual community for over 16 years most definitely shows in her practical and compassionate advice on ways to strengthen same-sex relationhips. Though she is a lesbian, the books gives both lesbians and gay male partnerships equal time. Also included are brief chapters on financial issues, legal issues (covered much more completely in Hayden Curry and Dennis Clifford's A Legal guide for Gay and Lesbian Couples, 1988, Nolo Pr. 5th ed.), and having children, with addresses and telephone numbers of numerous organizations and advocacy groups provided. An excellent bibliography (current to 1988) is included. With little else in print of a practical nature, many libraries will want this one.
Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California