Hawaiian Islands: Tropical Paradise of the Pacific.
Camelback Design Group and Elan Pub. 1992. 80p. illus.
LC92-0708829. ISBN 1-879924-04-8. pap. $10.95
This publication, which is designed to "give the
reader the information necessary to form an understanding of a
particular region," is an excellent introduction to the
Hawaiian Islands. The book is not really a tour guide nor a
history primer. Rather, the authors familiarize the reader with
the islands through excellent photography and a clear, concise
writing style. The accompanying illustrations and photos
describing weather, geology, marine life, and flora are well
placed and give the book a rich feel. The narrative is
occasionally spiced with island lore and interesting historical
facts. This should appeal to general readers, particularly young
adults. Recommended.
Kevin M. Roddy, University of Hawai'i at Hilo