Villoldo, Alberto & Erik Jendresen. The Four Winds: A Shaman's Odyssey into the Amazon. HarperCollins. Aug. 1990. c.256p. permanent paper. LC 89-45987. ISBN )-06-250911-X. $18.95

While the authors of this latest addition to the growing literature on shamanism are earnest in the delivery of their story, much of it reads like Carlos Castenada. A young psychologist, bent on discovering the connection "between the worlds"--the uncommon realms of consciousness versus "reality"--Viloldo connects with a mysterious Quechua professor who teaches philosophy by day and is a shaman/healer by night. While the professor is the master shaman here, Villoldo meets others. He is shown the methods of inducing prophetic and diagnostics visions--healing oneself as well as others through the use of various herbals. A vision quest to Machu Picchu and other rituals are thrown in. This fascinating topic has much potential, but the authors resort to parlor-trick descriptions that ultimately make these rich, unexplainable-by-ordinary means experiences hollow. This will probably be in demand, but its not a necessary purchase.

Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California