Crawford, David. Easing the Ache: Gay Men Recovering from
Compulsive Behavior. Dutton. May 1990. c.244p. LC 89-23775.
ISBN 0-525-24871-4. $17.95
Hundreds of self-help titles exist for heterosexual
America, and gay men have read many of them, making the necessary
substitutions. This book is the latest in a series of self-help
titles aimed strictly at gay men. Crawford tells of his own
compulsive addictions and how he finally gained control of his
life, using a 12-step model (like AA) that he has modified
particularly for the gay male community. He emphasizes the
reclaiming of self-esteem, essential for recovery, and stresses
the importance of spirituality and its "Strength,"
"whether we call it 'God' or 'higher power' ot 'the people
in the Twelve Step Meetings.'" Gay men will certainly relate
to this book. A necessary purchase to round out self-help
Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California