Duplechan, Larry. Captain Swing. Alyson Pubns. Oct. 1993. c.184p. permanent paper. ISBN 1-55583-234-2. $15.95

Duplechan (Tangled Up in Blue, LJ 2/15/87) pens a touching, warm-hearted story of a man returning home to his father's deathbed. Hoping for a reconciliation, "Cap" Rousseau is not surprised when he is again rebuked by his father. Gay, talented, black, and trying to adjust to life after his lover was tragically killed in a car accident, Cap attempts to readjust to the humidity of Louisiana and the eccentricities of his extended family when a totally unexpected event happens. While trying to sort out his feelings for a new love, Cap tries to understand his father's sorrow over the death of Cap's younger brother--the only son he truly loved--and his father's steadfast refusal to accept him, his gay son. Duplechan's novel is marvelous, sentimental but not sappy, pensive but upbeat, and told with a slow, sassy wit that will keep readers hooked. Essential for African American and gay/lesbian fiction collections and highly recommended for others.

Kevin M. Roddy, University of Hawai'i at Hilo