Hill, Lloyd E. The Village of Bom-Jesus. Algonquin Books, Apr. 1993. 238.p. ISBN 0-945575-88-2. $17.95

This wonderfully written collection of tales is set in the verdant, humid, spider-infested village of Gaujara, Brazil. A cat is the connective thread of the tales as well as the town conscience. Bom Jesus is a "calico cat most enigmatic. A vagary in a land that forbade vagaries. A cat who thought that he was a dog." Hill's stories are rich in detail: he describes the exorcism of a girl by a village medicine man; the hunt for an elusive prize whose pelt would bring great wealth; and a daughter's finding her soul and destiny through her mother's struggle with insanity. Readers will appreciate Hill's respectful and accurate depictions of rural Brazilian life and dwell on his mysterious and haunting images of the Amazon. Essential for fiction collections.

Kevin M. Roddy, University of Hawai'i at Hilo