Hay. Louise L. The AIDS Book: Creating a Positive Approach. Hay House. 1988.
276p. index. ISBN 0-937611-32-8. pap. $10.00
Hay offers a positive approach to handling the HIV Positive/ARC (AIDS Related
Complex)/AIDS diagnosis. Beginning with an examination of Western attitudes toward
"dis-ease" in general, she thoroughly explains what AIDS is and what can be done
about it. She then explores the problems gay men and others encounter when they are
diagnosed with AIDS, castigating society's views of AIDS as a "gay disease." Hay
argues that accepting the disease is a way of fighting it. She emphasizes the immense
power of the mind over the body, encouraging the use of affirmation, visualization,
relaxation, meditation, and nutrition as ways of stabilizing the immune system. Included
are notes on alternate therapies and a resource list of books, audio and video tapes, and
support groups. Highly recommended.
Kevin M. Roddy, Oakland Public Library, California